December 9, 2016

Weekly Business Newsletter



Mr. Robot killed the Hollywood hacker

The popular portrayal of computers as magic boxes capable of anything has done real societal harm. Now one TV show wants to save us.



Why Google, Facebook, and Amazon should study the history of Hewlett-Packard

A new book on Hewlett-Packard’s management history offers cautionary tales for today’s leading tech companies.



American life expectancies are declining, and the finger is being pointed at big pharma and distracted driving

It’s not just disease that’s dragged down the nation’s life expectancy.



Following its explosive failure, SpaceX is struggling to relaunch itself

Since a catastrophic explosion in September, delays have lost the company work to a European rival.



Two huge Asian tech firms plan to expand their U.S. enterprises under Trump

Softbank and Foxconn both plan to broaden their American operations, and the president-elect is happy to take credit.



Amazon wants you to feel like you’re shoplifting from its new grocery store

You can simply scan your phone, pick your food up off the shelf, and walk out.

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