October 1, 2014

Daily Newsletter



The Allure of Secret, Whisper, and Other Anonymous Apps

Sure, people say some nasty things in anonymous apps, but the good far outweighs the bad.


Question of the Week

Question of the Week: Computing

How can computers become smarter?






NIH Plows $46 million into Brain Technology

The U.S. announces $46 million to develop new technologies for exploring the brain.



Hong Kong Protestors Prepare for Communications Crackdown by Creating Their Own Ad Hoc Network

Protestors are turning to mobile messaging apps that can work without requiring cell service or Internet connections – but data security is still weak.



Review: Ello, an Ad-Free Social Site

A social network avoids ads and elevates design.



Qualcomm Says Future Smartphones Will Have Built-In AI for Understanding Images and Faces

Future smartphones could have specialized hardware that uses simulated neurons to do things like recognize objects or faces.



Millions of Devices are Vulnerable to the Shellshock Bug and It Is Worse than Heartbleed

We still don’t know how many systems are vulnerable to the Shellshock bug, but it is likely in the millions.

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